Saturday, April 2, 2011

God Isn't Who We Think He Is.

So.  For those of you who have been wondering, "Why the HECK isn't Kelsey posting blogs anymore?" I have your answer.  My other blog account was shut down, for reasons I don't understand.  Thus, I've had to create a new blog.  Please forgive me!  But, if you want to catch up on what was happening before, check out my first blog at

First of all, I'll just show you some pictures of recent happenings...I'm not sure I could recap it all if I wanted to.

My little Dani :)
Mari Fer! She is the cutest Tica I have ever met.
Gringas (and Canadians.)
Some of the girls in a ministry I work with here called, "Entre Amigas", a girls Bible Study.
We went to a circus, thus the fire-breathing.
This is how I get the boys. ;)
It reads, "She was slowly unravelling"
Some more water color fun.
This is a sketch design for the T-shirts we're making for our mission's trip.
This is pretty much how it always is with me and Kat.
Some lovely ladies.
I thought this was a lovely chapter title.
Date night for Tobs and Rachel :)

 Rest assured, I have been having a swell time since my last blog post.  Seriously.

I keep having these moments where I just stop and I think to myself, "Wow.  I am so happy to be here." 

My classes are fantastic.  I can't believe I've come this far in my Christian walk without knowing some of these things.  For example, we just finished a class called, "Biblical Panorama" which essentially pieced all the stories of the Bible together, and connected them.  All the stories we've known since Sunday School days aren't just isolated; they're woven together to form the story of redemption that God has been planning since we first chose sin over Him.  

I also had a lot of time to think and reflect as I continue reading through the Bible.  Something I've always struggled with is understanding, "the God of the Old Testament".  How could the God that I know, the God of unconditional love, suddenly command the Israelites to destroy entire nations of people? 

And then I realized.  Maybe God isn't who I think I He is.  Maybe I've spent my whole life only learning to understand one aspect of His character-love.  And God is love (1 John 4:8).  But how often do we think of a Holy God, one so holy, that sin literally cannot be in His presence?  

When I looked in the Old Testament, and saw God commanding the Israelites to literally wipe out nations completely, I felt conflicted.  Because I only understood part of God.  But through our Genesis class here, our teacher explained that God always gave the nations time to repent, and He withheld his anger for literally hundreds of years sometimes.  And God used the Israelites as a tool to judge the sins of those nations.

So, I wonder what else don't I know about God?  And I know I'll never fully understand how a God who is loving is also a judge, or a God full of mercy also condemns, or even that Jesus was fully God and human.

Our God is a contradiction that, somehow, works. He is inseparable opposites, a Judge and a Saviour, embodied in the same being.

So.  Who are you letting God be in your life?  The God of love that always forgives, or are you also letting Him correct you where you are sinning?

Think about it.

Love, love, love,


P.S. My new URL for my blog is  
Let's hope this one doesn't get deleted!


  1. Wow Kelsey Your are amazing!!!!! Keep asking all the tough questions! Glad your blog is up and running, I missed reading your thought provoking questions. Love you honey girl Mom

  2. Kels! I Love your art work! Have you ever heard of Brian Andreas' Story People? Your pictures sort of remind me of those... But anyway, you are SO talented!!!!

    Love ya sis! Glad you got your blog back on track.
